the First appointment

To ensure I fully understand your situation, I ask that patients email me, prior to our intake, any relevant documentation they have available, including records from prior/ongoing treatment, as well as copies of IEP’s. This, along with filling out the intake form, provides me with a solid foundation and allows us to focus more on the details that matter most to you during our appointment.

What to expect the day of

I generally spend 90-120 minutes for intakes. The last 20-30 minutes is spent discussing the diagnosis and treatment options. I prefer to make sure patients leave their first appointment understanding why they are having their presenting symptoms, why I am recommending a particular strategy, and what are the likely risks/benefits/alternatives to my recommendations. Since I strongly believe in patient-driven treatment, this approach ensures that they can make the best decision for themselves.

Going forward

Follow-up appointments are generally 30 minutes. I’m open to brief phone calls or emails between appointments as long as they are about non-emergent issues and can be addressed in under 5 minutes. Otherwise, I do ask that patients schedule a sooner follow-up appointment to discuss. Common example: “I’m having XYZ new symptom. Is it a side effect of my medication? Will it go away? Should I stop my medication?”